JCB=Jean-Claude Biver om betydningen av Apple Watch for den mekaniske klokkeindustrien:
JCB: Firstly, we must take advantage of Apple. An Apple Watch is probably one the best promotions we [as an industry] can get.
WT: Really? How so?
JB: Because if you want to sell a pair of shoes to someone who for 30 years has never worn shoes, it is more difficult to sell him a hand-made leather shoe than to sell him a pair of sneakers. If you have been wearing an Apple Watch since you were 15 years old, and you have changed it every four or five years for a new one, and you bought the red strap, and then you bought the Hermès strap, you will, one day, be ready…
WT: To upgrade?
JCB: Not to upgrade, but to have something different. To say to yourself, “Oh, I saw this mechanical watch, which they say is an eternity on the wrist. It seems that it will always work. It seems that even if I sell it after 10 years my kids can make a profit. Oh, darling, for our 50th anniversary I would like to buy such a watch!” So it’s an indirect promotion. The generation of the ‘90’s and the first 10 years of 2000 — how have they been educated? With Swatch watches, in different colors, in two, three, four, or five versions. You change your clothes, you change the color of the watch. So these kids, when they became 30 years old, they were ready to buy a watch because they are born with a watch on their wrist.