

Så langt jeg vet ble ingen kirke brent av "satanistene" in Norge.
Nordmennene ble lurt av mediene og sin vanlig BS eller det kanskje var en manipulering av politikerne/kirken som fryktet en ny utvikling, en hedning opprør. Hvem vet, og jeg bryr meg egentlig litte om grunnen de hadde for å smøre dette tullet.
Alt jeg kan si er at Varg Vikernes har aldri vært en satanist som folk tenker seg og det vet jeg siden 90 tallene, som mange i metal miljøet.

"Yet, I have never been a "Satanist", just like our forefathers never were "Satanists" either. I am and have always been a Pagan. "Satanism" or "devil worship" as described by the Judeo-Christians has simply never existed. The belief in the existence of "Satanism" or "devil worship" is just ignorance and a result of lie-propaganda. The "witches" were murdered by the church not because they worshipped "Satan" or any other fictional Hebrew deity, but because they kept practicing our European religion, against the will of the Judeo-Christians."
"Paganism is not dead and we don't even need to reconstruct it. It never really died. It survived underground, in Norway and in other corners of Europe too. Like the Sun rises in the East, every morning, Paganism will rise again. The European light will inevitably banish the Asian darkness we know as Judeo-Christianity, and the pure amongst us will find the runes (id est secrets) of Óðinn. - but only if they choose to walk on the overgrown paths of our forefathers."

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Reaksjoner: Grendel