Hjelp! Har fått smartklokke av samboer.

27. des. 2014
Har i lengre tid brukt armband med skritteller. Da dette vart ødelagt tenkte fruen at hun skulle være snill å kjøpe nytt til meg. Hun har da kjøpt en smartklokke slik at eg skal slippe å gå med to ting på meg. Hva skal eg gjere?? Vil jo helst gå med vanlig klokke, men vil ikke skuffe fruen heller..

(les dette med litt humor, har en veldig forståelsesfull samboer.) :)
Du har 3 opsjoner:
-Underkaste deg å erstatte ur med dette faanskap.
-Bruke faanskapet på motsatt håndledd av uret.
-Ta oppgjøret en gang for alle og makulere faanskapet på et såpass spektakulært vis, at du aldri igjen får en slik meningsløs presang.
Hva med å rett og slett forklare situasjonen? Spektakulær destruksjon virker da svært unødvendig og konfliktskapende. Kanskje den kan byttes/selges? Eller kanskje hun vil bruke den selv?
Ethvert hint eller mer i retning av at smartklokken ikke er det beste som har hendt deg utenom å treffe henne vil garantert resultere i sur stemning og sølibat. Ja selv bruk i kombinasjon med skikkelig klokke vil være å trø i salaten; hun kjøpte den jo for at du skulle slippe det. Her er list og sluhet de rette kulene å fyre av. Mist den, få den frastjålet, ødelegg den ved et uhell.
He he, herlig dilemma det der ja...

Foreslår at du "av og til*" bruker bare denne. Bit tenna sammen, går så bra så :) Ville ALDRI mistet eller ødelagt en gave fra fruen med vilje, og ser jo svært mange "vanlige mennesker" som bruker slike om dagen. Selv Obama har vel en Fitbit Surge på armen nå?

* hvor ofte kan du selv avgjøre da!
Kjøp henne noe du vet hun ikke kommer til å like, så når hun ikke går med/bruker det, har du god unnskyldning til å ikke bruke din. ;)
hehe mange kreative svar her :)
har prøvd litt fram og tilbake idag, og funnet ut at skjermen er lettest og lese og betjene oppned på høgre hånd (fruen er faktisk enig etter å ha forsøkt sjøl). Klokke handa er da fortsatt ledig :)
Syns det er kjekt å ha skritteller da vi pleier å ha litt konkuranse om kem som går mest iløpet av dagen.
Jeg har en Fitbit Charge HR (som også viser tiden (men det bruker jeg den ikke til)) på høyre håndledd, slik at jeg kan ha en ordentlig klokke på venstre.
Husk, det kunne vært verre.

Sikkert flere som har lest denne før :)

"First off, I want to appologize for all the errors I'm sure this post will have. I am literally shaking right now and can't handle myself. A little background. My biggest hobby and a decent source of my income is from collecting/buying/selling/trading vintage watches. I spend most of my free time doing this. My favorite watch and prized possesion is a 70s Rolex Sea Dweller DRSD with a unique/valuable dial. Not sure if this is important to anyone, but maybe some people will understand why I'm so upset by this. I saved up for a while and spent years trying to find this watch. It is all original and was sold by Tiffany & Co when they had a relationship with Rolex. It has Tiffany & Co printed in small letters on the dial, which is one of the main reasons it's so valuable. None of the parts have been replaced or refinished and it is in great condition. Because of this, it looks quite old and doesn't really look like the stereotypical nice watch. The bezel is very faded, the dial is aged and has changed color, the case has never been polished so all the scratches can be seen. It looks like an old beat up watch. I was on a work related trip to Huston, and my girlfriend texted me saying she had an amazing birthday surprise for me. I thought maybe she had a fun day planned or had found some cool old watch parts or something. I never expected what she had done. I got home and she sat me down all excited and gave me a wrapped up gift box. I opened it up and it was vintage Rolex box, and I was really surprised and excited because she knows what my hobby is and I figured she got me some cool watch parts or maybe she just put the present in the vintage box knowing that I'd like it. I opened up the box and discovered that it was my vintage DRSD, my prized possesion. Except it wasn't. She had taken it to a local Jeweler and "restored" every bit of it. The case was shiny and polished, the bezel was replace, and worst of all the dial was refinished. She had also gotten the caseback engraved with "OP and Girlfriend" and our anniversary date. The dial is by far the most expensive part of the watch, and only because it was all original/untouched and had the tiffany dial. A refinished dial is pretty much worthless. All and all, the watch is now worth maybe 10k now. I immediately broke down. I didn't even know what to say. My prized possesion that took me years to aquire is ruined. I don't even know what to do. She thought I'd be really happy that the watch looked "new" again. I understand that she was trying to do something really nice, but I am so upset by this. I'm not sure I can remain with her after this. Not jut because the watch is destroyed though. Vintage watches are a huge part of my life, and something I talk about all the time. I have told her a million times that the value is because it's all original. That the dial should never be redone, etc. She has even asked me why I didn't get them fixed up to look like new, and I explained countless times that doing that would ruin the watch and destroy the value. I feel like she just didn't listen to a single thing I've told her. Like every time we've talked about it she just tuned me out and nodded her head. I can understand if she doesn't care about my hobby but I feel really hurt that she just ignored everything I've told her. She is really fashion, and even though I'm not interested in it I still listen to what she says and have a basic understanding of certain fashion rules, styles, etc. For example. If I wear X with Y that doesn't go together, she'll say "Ugh OP I told you a million times that you can't wear X with Y" I actually listen to her and take an active interest in what she's trying to say, and don't just ignore and nod my head. Not because I care about it, but I care about her and want to be supportive of her hobbies. I really don't know what to do. I get what she was trying to do, but it ruined my favorite watch and basically shows that she never once listened to a word I said. I really don't think I can stay with her after this. I guess I'm looking for a way to explain this to her without just coming off like I'm mad that it's worthless now. I want to explain that I'm upset that she tuned out every word I've told her about my hobby. tl;dr: Girlfriend "restored" my favorite vintage watch and pretty much destroyed it."
Husk, det kunne vært verre.

Sikkert flere som har lest denne før :)

"First off, I want to appologize for all the errors I'm sure this post will have. I am literally shaking right now and can't handle myself. A little background. My biggest hobby and a decent source of my income is from collecting/buying/selling/trading vintage watches. I spend most of my free time doing this. My favorite watch and prized possesion is a 70s Rolex Sea Dweller DRSD with a unique/valuable dial. Not sure if this is important to anyone, but maybe some people will understand why I'm so upset by this. I saved up for a while and spent years trying to find this watch. It is all original and was sold by Tiffany & Co when they had a relationship with Rolex. It has Tiffany & Co printed in small letters on the dial, which is one of the main reasons it's so valuable. None of the parts have been replaced or refinished and it is in great condition. Because of this, it looks quite old and doesn't really look like the stereotypical nice watch. The bezel is very faded, the dial is aged and has changed color, the case has never been polished so all the scratches can be seen. It looks like an old beat up watch. I was on a work related trip to Huston, and my girlfriend texted me saying she had an amazing birthday surprise for me. I thought maybe she had a fun day planned or had found some cool old watch parts or something. I never expected what she had done. I got home and she sat me down all excited and gave me a wrapped up gift box. I opened it up and it was vintage Rolex box, and I was really surprised and excited because she knows what my hobby is and I figured she got me some cool watch parts or maybe she just put the present in the vintage box knowing that I'd like it. I opened up the box and discovered that it was my vintage DRSD, my prized possesion. Except it wasn't. She had taken it to a local Jeweler and "restored" every bit of it. The case was shiny and polished, the bezel was replace, and worst of all the dial was refinished. She had also gotten the caseback engraved with "OP and Girlfriend" and our anniversary date. The dial is by far the most expensive part of the watch, and only because it was all original/untouched and had the tiffany dial. A refinished dial is pretty much worthless. All and all, the watch is now worth maybe 10k now. I immediately broke down. I didn't even know what to say. My prized possesion that took me years to aquire is ruined. I don't even know what to do. She thought I'd be really happy that the watch looked "new" again. I understand that she was trying to do something really nice, but I am so upset by this. I'm not sure I can remain with her after this. Not jut because the watch is destroyed though. Vintage watches are a huge part of my life, and something I talk about all the time. I have told her a million times that the value is because it's all original. That the dial should never be redone, etc. She has even asked me why I didn't get them fixed up to look like new, and I explained countless times that doing that would ruin the watch and destroy the value. I feel like she just didn't listen to a single thing I've told her. Like every time we've talked about it she just tuned me out and nodded her head. I can understand if she doesn't care about my hobby but I feel really hurt that she just ignored everything I've told her. She is really fashion, and even though I'm not interested in it I still listen to what she says and have a basic understanding of certain fashion rules, styles, etc. For example. If I wear X with Y that doesn't go together, she'll say "Ugh OP I told you a million times that you can't wear X with Y" I actually listen to her and take an active interest in what she's trying to say, and don't just ignore and nod my head. Not because I care about it, but I care about her and want to be supportive of her hobbies. I really don't know what to do. I get what she was trying to do, but it ruined my favorite watch and basically shows that she never once listened to a word I said. I really don't think I can stay with her after this. I guess I'm looking for a way to explain this to her without just coming off like I'm mad that it's worthless now. I want to explain that I'm upset that she tuned out every word I've told her about my hobby. tl;dr: Girlfriend "restored" my favorite vintage watch and pretty much destroyed it."

Huff... Og jeg som syntes synd på meg selv og vurderte om vi fortsatt hadde noen felles framtid da kona vasket av størknet grus og gjørme fra bakruta på bilen med en våtserviett etter at jeg i flere år har fortalt hvor viktig det er med skum, ren og skitten bøtte og at ingen andre enn meg får vaske bilen.. :p
Bare fortell kona sannheten. Og at du forventer at hun forteller deg sannheten straight up den gangen du driter deg ut. Litt kjipt her og nå, men en god latter senere.

Hilsen Dr.Phil
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Reaksjoner: Thomas84
"Den var fin, og jeg trengte virkelig en ny! Egentlig så liker jeg å gå med klokke med visere også da. Blir du lei deg hvis jeg bytter til en mindre variant uten klokke/skjerm?" Svaret på det er antakelig "Ja, men ikke spesielt mye." (Hun sier sikkert "Neida!") She'll get over it.